Thursday, July 12, 2007


Thought that I would continue my blog, even thought I have not had a comment either on this site or even verbally since I began writing. Writing to me is personal so I have decided to continue tonight with the knowledge that I'm not writing to an audience.
The Cigar Box has been doing a booming Summer business, I wish it would continue in the Winter. I want to explore options on how to increase business in the Winter. Possibly different products or expanding on cigar related products. I find cigars to be much more in demand in the Summer. Any ideas are welcome.
We had a nice crowd for the All-Star game on Tuesday evening. I enjoy hosting, we have a great clientel. I always envisioned a more consistant crowd at the shop. I set it up as a place for social gatherings. I believe we have accomplished the desired setting just not a consistant crowd. I guess thats attributted to being in a small town. The rent however is not indicative of a small town. Please tell the landlord.
