Tuesday, June 16, 2009

TSN Golf

TSN Golf: "Padraig Harrington, Angel Cabrera, * Tiger Woods"

Thursday, September 18, 2008

New Site

Anyone reading my blog I want to make aware of the JandLcigarbox.com website.

Monday, July 14, 2008


Shaunt's party was a smashing good time. The band Sister D was fabulous, the food catered from Ussef was superb, and the party goers were open to having a great time.
Shaunt wanted me to thank everyone for there gifts, it will give him a start at whatever endeavour he chooses for himself. For now it looks like a year of College at OCC however that my change with the direction of the wind.
Can you remember when your life decisions could change at the drop of the hat. Those times have long since passed, but when they were real, we didn't appreciate it anyway. I have friends still not tied down to anything, I envy them at times, but having a great wife and kids makes the old ball and chain not so bad.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Fourth of July

Hi blog readers, would like to invite anyone and everyone to my open house blowout/ Shaunt's graduation party on July 5,2008. Don't feel obligated to bring gifts or food or drink there will be plenty for all.
The fourth of July holiday is my favorite holiday for one thing it's a chance to reflect on the sacrifice made to make this country the greatest country on the planet. I consider myself a patriot and love my country. I feel though, we as Americans have to step up to the plate, as our forefathers did for us, and get going in the right direction or we as a nation are in for problems.
We have so many people taking advantage of the "system" to get by many of those people being from other parts of the world. We can't continue free lunch for every bum that gets on a boat and lands on our shore. They have no pride in America there here for lunch. I don't know the answer, our nation was created with the premise give us your weak, tired, etc. but that needs to change these people seem to stay weak and tired and without gratitude for living in the land of the free. They need to get on home, our country is becoming weak and tired caring for them.
We need to get manufacturing jobs back, we need to get or workers working with pride. We need "made in America" to mean something. Unfortunately to get these jobs back the cost to build has to come down to be competitive. And that means sacrifice. We can sacrifice now and keep the jobs we have in this country. Create new ones with a work force that's willing to take a little less keeping our middle class in tact, or we can sacrifice later when the jobs leave and our great nation turns to basically a third world country with the rich and the poor and no middle class. The choice is ours. I love my country, I don't like to see where it's headed. Maybe democracy in it's design can't last more than 200 years I don't want to believe that. I think Americans are the most resilient, adaptable, and have more "heart" than any people in the world. We shouldn't give out the title of an "American" lightly, there's an understanding that true Americans have and no matter there religion, race, or political party an American is special. We have to remember that on the 4Th of July.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

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Friday, August 17, 2007


Well I'm back. I've decided to continue writing. I will not concern myself with the lack of interest I've seemed to generate with my blog. All kidding aside, there's plenty of news. We have entertainment on Thursday's. The sweet sound of Reggie Braxton. Reggie will be playing the Cigar Box Thursday's from 7:00 to 9:00 come out and enjoy. Nothing like good friends, good jazz and a relaxing atmosphere to unwind and get ready for the weekend.
On Saturday August 17th we will be attending Orchard Lake St Mary's Jazz On The Lake. We will be participating and selling cigars for the second year. They have great musicians, great food it's truly a first class event in which were proud to have a small part. Anyone interested see Tim Daly or myself for tickets to the event.
Milford Memories was a resounding success, I personally had a great time. The highlight..... watching last years pepper eating champion lose his peppers. Milford really comes off in a good light with this festival, and they do get it right when it comes to running this event.
I look forward to your comments, although this post was rather dull I promise to be more provocative in future posts.

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Thought that I would continue my blog, even thought I have not had a comment either on this site or even verbally since I began writing. Writing to me is personal so I have decided to continue tonight with the knowledge that I'm not writing to an audience.
The Cigar Box has been doing a booming Summer business, I wish it would continue in the Winter. I want to explore options on how to increase business in the Winter. Possibly different products or expanding on cigar related products. I find cigars to be much more in demand in the Summer. Any ideas are welcome.
We had a nice crowd for the All-Star game on Tuesday evening. I enjoy hosting, we have a great clientel. I always envisioned a more consistant crowd at the shop. I set it up as a place for social gatherings. I believe we have accomplished the desired setting just not a consistant crowd. I guess thats attributted to being in a small town. The rent however is not indicative of a small town. Please tell the landlord.
